Friday, May 22, 2009

Trying this again...

So I've decided to try doing the blog thing again. I see it has been a long time since I've written anything worth anything. Well this isn't really going to be worth anything either but oh well.
I need a job. A job that I don't hate going to on a regular basis. A job where I can do my own thing without worrying about who is looking over my shoulder. A job where I can prove my productivity with out all the bullshit that I deal with on a regular basis today.
People say that you will never find the perfect job but there has to be something better out there then what I am doing now. I've worked some pretty shitty jobs in my day and this ranks right up there. Babysitting grown men or women and telling them when they can and can't shower. Telling them when they have to wake up, watch tv, play cards, but don't gamble. Don't make too much noise. No horseplay. As if they are elementary school children without any supervision.
There probably isn't such a thing as a perfect job but I need to find something close...

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